Assoc Master Yang chose for this pot for your collection, the inscription of the famous words by 姚鼐 Yao Nai in his literary work.
"苍山负雪 明烛天南”
泰山 Mount Tai is the most famous Mountain in China, written here as "苍山 Cang Shan"
It depicts "I see Mount Tai, capped with Snow, reflecting the bright sun light, across the Southern Skies."
A poem written by 姚鼐 Yao Nai, the famous Qing Dynasty Scholar, in the famous 《登泰山记》. He wrote and depicted the scenery as he climbs Mountain Tai. It was snowing, but he marched up braving the weather, so as to witness the Sun Rise from the apex of Mount Tai.
Here for you friends' viewing, is the Original Work made by 惠逸公 Hui Yi Gong, a Famous ZiSha Artist, in the Qing Dynasty,

This pot here availed to you, has also been made by our L4 Assoc Master Artist Yang Quan Sheng 杨全胜 which had gone under the hammer for 13,800rmb. Here it is a rare opportunity as he makes one for you at $602!