陈锡芳 - 助理工艺美术师, Chen Xi Fang - L4 Associate Master Artist
陈锡芳 - 助理工艺美术师, Chen Xi Fang - L4 Associate Master Artist.
Dear Friends,
We have been talking to this Artist of great craftsmanship for the past few months. She wanted to join us. And we wanted her to be onboard with us on this mission too.
The person we are talking about, is Assoc Master Chen Xi Fang 陈锡芳。Shown above is one of her Ti Liang ZiSha Works 提梁壶。
Whereas, out in the market (Regrettable but big Landscape X):
Countless, countless brick-and-mortar stores in China, and on online stores, are selling Dai Gong pots to unsuspecting customers:
1… Dai Gong pots are NOT made by the said L1 or L2 Senior Master Artists. They are made by unknown workers crafting pots for the L1 or L2 Senior Master Artists,
2… Dai Gong pots reflect poor or basic craftsmanship skills, some have overzealous Orientalism/embellishments and/or of moulded origins,
3… Dai Gong pots cost a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars “prices BEFITTING of a pot made by an L1/L2 Senior Master Artist”,
4… Worst of all, many current Dai Gong pots are, sadly, very often not even made of ZiSha, and of course, not Fully-Handmade.
We at RealZiSha, are DOING THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE (Platform A):
1… We give High Workmanship. Skill and professional craftsmanship evident in the pot upon examination, both visual and during handling,
2… AT THE LOWEST cost. Extreme affordability and untouchable VALUE,
3… Workmanship from L4 Assoc Master Artists and Craftsmen, THAT BEST/RIVAL/EQUAL that of other higher ranked Artists in the industry, but costs ONE-QUARTER to ONE-THIRD the prices of the latter!!! We mean it.
Our Dearest Friends and Patrons, what all these mean, are that you own ZiSha Works of the best, highest quality, and extreme workmanship besting/rivalling higher-Ranked Artists, but yet, paying the minimum and lowest price: provided by our crazily-skilled top L4 Assoc Master Artists in the fraternity, e.g. Assoc Master Zhang Xue Lei, Assoc Master Zhang Ke, Assoc Master Yang Quan Sheng, Assoc Master Du Cheng Yao, Assoc Master Yu Chun Lei, and now Assoc Master Chen Xi Fang.
Great, 100%, authentic and quality YiXing ZiSha clay is of course, a given here at RealZiSha.
The earlier mentioned malignant Landscape X is whereby customer pays much ↑↑↑monies for non-legit and ↓↓↓poor quality pots,
Platform A is what RealZiSha creates and ESTABLISHES: whereby our friends and patrons pay much ↓↓↓less monies but for ↑↑↑quality that Scales up and Bests higher-ranked Artists.
This is what we, you and us together, are at RealZiSha.
Our team of honest Artists, and hardworking Craftsmen. We work tirelessly on this mission.
Here, we present our latest SUPREMELY skilled Artist who now is on board with us:
Assoc Master Chen Xi Fang.
We have noticed Master Chen's excellence in the fraternity and her dedication, and we have been speaking to Master Chen for the past few months, to convince her to help join up with all of us other Artists and Craftsmen here to mount a concerted and united front in order to save and UPHOLD Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art together.
After the past few months of negotiation, and her understanding the UNITED values of our Artists and Craftsmen, and the common hard-work and mission, she has officially joined us!
And the first two works are a blast for all of you dearest friends!
Launching them on this weekend 22nd July 2023!
We will provide the early photos here on Monday, 17th July 2023.
San Yang Kai Tai 三羊开泰,
Austere-Minimal Ornate Class ZiSha Work,
Red JiangPoNi 红降坡泥
Dear Friends, first we start looking at, examining, and appreciating the micro and macro, of the lines:Consistency of the sculpting of the handle - the lid embellishments - the spout.
Next, we move on to her superb powers of animal sculpting:
The stance:Supremely balanced.
Admiring the tip:
The handle: the care she undertakes and masters, for consistency:
The lid by itself, an Art piece.
Her stamps.
All for only $790.
And even on the not-obvious base, she lines up the lower rim with sculpting of the lotus leaves. Very subtle, delicate and graceful.
The Second one, is,
Lian Rui 莲蕊,
Di Cao Qing 底槽青,
This is an absolutely mesmerising piece of ZiSha Work.
GREAT Kudos to Master Chen!
Totally organic and natural sculpting.
Lotus flower, corolla, its pistil top and roots.
Every part of this pot is exquisite.
We come to a very special part and the highlight:
The astounding lid.
This is one of the most difficult skills to master in ZiSha Art! Each of the seeds within each of their hollow: 1) CANNOT drop out, be contained and be tight and yet 2) each must be able to move freely! The delicacy, YEARS of experience, precision and gumption of the Artist cannot be underestimated:
The mastery of the ZiSha's shrinkage during firing, has to be grasped wisely: if the holes does not shrink enough, the seeds will drop out, if the holes shrink too much, the seeds cannot move freely.
Here Master Chen wishes you to see, how in all eight tilted directions, the seeds are able to move, slide and drop down to the lowest gravitational point:
Master Chen accomplishes this most excellently, while keeping the profile of the lid as THIN as possible to maintain the aesthetic grace, and to keep weight to a minimal (necessary as the Lotus flower as the lid knob has introduced more weight). Witness her dexterity and MASTERY:
Now we look at this crazy part, where,
ALL seven segments are sculpted to look thoroughly natural, organic and rounded, BUT YET each of the seven rounded convex part, EQUALLY touches the table top, without Master Chen unnaturally shaving off any one, two nor three segments by EVEN a wee bit. To achieve ALL 7 protruding segments touching the flat table top EVENLY. she did not shave any convex segment short nor did she simply press one segment flatter.
We have seen many other lesser Segmental-Corollary works which have one or two or three segments with shaved off convex parts to achieve an even touchdown-contact point for all segments.
Master Chen's Lian Rui here, is testament to her indefatigable efforts.
A tripod is the easiest and sure way to ensure non-shakiness, Master Chen achieves this with SEVEN touchpoints, with perfectly sculpted organic forms.
Here we twirl it around in the 7 angles, witness and observe:
You see the tips of each of the seven convex segments being rounded, organic, and all their tips on the same plane.
The AIM with any Ornate pots is to make sure the whole pot looks 100% organic. She achieved this ultimate aim immaculately.
These two pots will be launched together this weekend 22nd July 2023.
Certification for every pot personally signed by Assoc Master Chen Xi Fang 陈锡芳, and video live verification for pot via Streamyard call between you the Esteemed Patron, holding your received pot, with Master Chen, will be done, for your provenance.
Dear Friends, its launch to the very fortunate patrons, the San Yang Kai Tai and the Lian Rui works, at $790 and $1460 respectively, on the space below, this weekend on the 22nd July! Assoc Master Chen wants to thank you: Dearest Friends and Patrons for your keen support as she joins the whole big group and team at RealZiSha, so as to provide determined and single-minded efforts to provide TRUE Fully-Handmade ZiSha compositions for all of you friends and patrons. Absolute and Extreme value is what we always give of every pot we provide here at RealZiSha. We keep going serving you friends. You and us together on this mission, WILL save this reverenced Art Form, and this being the critical part of the tea culture: tea + pot.