NEW ARRIVALS. Updates constantly. THANK YOU FRIENDS for your utmost patience, we owe it to you. *MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT FOR OUR SAFE-PROOFING FOR YOU FRIENDS!*
NEW ARRIVALS. Updates constantly. THANK YOU FRIENDS for your utmost patience, we owe it to you.
We are already on the maximum Shopify tier for storage space but :-D due to the fact that we are taking and uploading 80-120 high definition photos for each ZiSha Work, the bandwidth is still insufficient to store these numerous photos. Thus, Shopify admin advised us to do springcleaning a bit, and thus older ZiSha works sold further back in time, would have only one to three photos maintained, with the other 80+ photos deleted in order to free up bandwidth of our website. It is very time-consuming to do so, to individually click on photos to delete, but we will continue to do so, to provide and upload 80-120 photos for each newly launched ZiSha work.
Dear fellow friends and patrons with us!
We write this on the 12th May 2024, as a MAJOR announcement to protect your interests: your top acquisitions from us at RealZiSha.
We have noticed several websites completely copying and plagiarising our articles, wholesale chunks of information: not just selected words, but wholesale paragraphs by paragraphs! Such plagiarising actions from other website and platforms, have in fact, been brought to our attention extremely kindly by fellow friends like you, dear patrons who scour the net and report them to us. We are very grateful to all of you friends. You know who you are. Thank you Buddies!
You are our true friends on this tea journey of safeguarding what we love: Tea+Fully-Handmade ZiSha.
We cannot stop these plagiarising actions from others, BUT CRITICALLY, IMPORTANTLY: What we can protect, and NEED to protect, are you, you being our dearest friends, and your acquisitions from us.
Thus far, it has been articles and information. We need to look ahead, collectively with our numerous friends and patrons, and with our Craftsmen and Artists, we see the need to preempt, safeguard and protect our Craftsmen&Artists’ names/photos/seals/stamps from being copied, and even if the other retailers may in future be faking & copying our Craftsmen&Artists’ names/photos/stamps on their fake pots and webpages, WE AT REALZISHA TAKE THE EARLIEST MEASURES FROM 12TH MAY 2024 TO ENSURE THAT YOUR PROCURED TRUE FULLY-HANDMADE ZISHA WORKS FROM US AT THE REALZISHA TEAM, WILL BE SAFEGUARDED, DIFFERENTIATED AND PROTECTED.
To protect both You, and the Craftsmen & Artists here whom you lovingly subscribe to, STARTING FROM 12TH MAY 2024, we will be securing ALL your procured ZiSha works from us RealZiSha: Every Top Acquisition from us (yes, a $173 Lian Zi pot by Craftsman Chen Fa Chu is considered a Top Acquisition in our eyes, just as a Senior Master Lu Xue Feng’s $5700 4th Quarry Di Cao Qing “Qian He” work), WILL be stamped with our RealZiSha “真紫砂” STAMP on its certificate before sending it to you, AND 100%-proofed and 100%-protected with a 5rmb Chinese Yuan Note, with its unique Serial Number.
Our Running Notes for the first batch of serial running notes we have specially requested from the bank, starts from H5S9813601 - H5S9813699.
For the second batch of serial running notes from the bank, the unique Serial Note Numbers are from E0S3993147 - E0S3993245.
For the third batch of serial running notes from the bank, the unique Serial Note Numbers are from HD20778959 - HD20779060.
For the fourth batch of serial running notes from the bank, the unique Serial Note Numbers are from HD20778854 - HD20778957.
For the fifth batch of serial running notes from the bank, the unique Serial Note Numbers are from BG78773583 - BG78773682.
For the sixth batch of serial running notes from the bank, the unique Serial Note Numbers are from BG78773894 - BG78773993.
For the seventh batch of serial running notes from the bank, the unique Serial Note Number are from BG89936293 - BG89936399.
For the eighth batch of serial running notes from the bank, the unique Serial Note Number are from BE54337109 - BE54337208.
Below is the example, of the first Craftsman work sold on the 12th May 2024, which goes to Mr J.T. from Brooklyn, New York.
We work ever harder, so as to protect your interests, to allow you to savour the tea culture, carefree! And also so you may practise Samadhi! Leave the hard work to us.
We traverse this journey happily together!
May you, your family and friends, continue to drink tea in these Fully-Handmade ZiSha works crafted by these dedicated Craftsmen and Artists.