RealZiSha's Most Treasured and Especial Premium Collection. (The Availability changes time to time)
As a refresher course:
There are altogether only twelve National Grand Masters of The Arts in our ZiSha fraternity to be awarded the title, by the three National Ministries:
1. 国家文化部, our Ministry of Culture,
2. 国家工业信息部, our Ministry of Industry and Information,
3. 国家人力部, our Ministry of Manpower.
The First Accreditation Session,
Nil awarded.
The Second Accreditation Session,
1. Gu Jing Zhou 顾景舟
The Third Accreditation Session,
2. Wang Yin Xian 王寅仙
3. Jiang Rong 蒋蓉
4. Xu Xiu Tang 徐秀棠 (for ZiSha Sculpting)
5. Lü Yao Chen 吕尧臣
The Fourth Accreditation Session,
6. Xu Han Tang 徐汉棠
7. Tan Quan Hai 谭泉海 (for ZiSha Engraving)
The Fifth Accreditation Session,
8. Zhou Gui Zhen 周桂珍
9. Gu Shao Pei 顾绍培
10. Li Chang Hong 李昌鸿
11. Bao Zhi Qiang 鲍志强 (for ZiSha Engraving)
The Sixth Accreditation Session,
12. Cao Ya Lin 曹亚麟
After the Sixth Accreditation Session, the Accreditation duties have been passed to the YiXing ZiSha Association.
Recognised in our fraternity, the Weight of Acknowledgement 含金量 is the highest for these twelve National Grand Master of The Arts.
Our Uncle, Cao Ya Lin, is the LAST to be awarded the National Grand Master of The Arts by all the three Ministries.
Best in Price and Best in Provenance.
We accompany you in YiXing.
There are the Museum Grade Pieces from our two close Grand Masters:
1. National Grand Master of The Arts, 曹亚麟 Cao Ya Lin (our uncle),
2. Provincial Grand Master of The Arts, 邵顺生 Shao Shun Sheng,
Also here at this section, we also have the following Legendary Museum Grade pieces in this section that are made available for all to purview and amazingly, procure that will also live on as Family Heirlooms with escalating values, and of great fame and ultimate recognition.
These Zenith pieces have been painstakingly scoured, picked and are currently available now in the fraternity. We have taken the photos of the Museum Grade ZiSha works for you too.
1. Purchase from the Master directly for a new piece, or,
There are the additional two big pieces of information to be wary of,
We do know who they are, those Artists involved in the above (2) industry. So we avoid transacting with them for our customers, to safeguard their interests.
We had mentioned that our Cao Family CAN get any customer ANY work they wish to get hold of, from ANY Grand Masters/Master Artists,
1. Legendary National Grand Master of The Arts (Respectfully, The Late) 顾景舟 Gu Jing Zhou's work: 汉铎壶 Han Duo Hu,
With our usual reputation and hard work, we are able to fight for you and enable you to amazingly own these pieces at the following prices. We have been working hard and humbly delivering for our patrons all these years and we continue to do so, giving the industry's lowest prices.
Here they are, our hard-worked prices with the best provenance and service for you:
1. Legendary National Grand Master of The Arts (Respectfully, The Late) 顾景舟 Gu Jing Zhou's work: 汉铎壶 Han Duo,
Transacted at 2014 Auction at $887,000,
We will bring you to the either Grand Master Xu or Master Ge to collect your work and have it authenticated, photos and videos taken.

We will bring you to the Grand Master Yao Zhi Yuan to collect your work and have it authenticated, photos and videos taken.

Transacted at 2011 Auction at $82,000,
1. National Grand Master of The Arts, Cao Ya Lin, all works at his section on our site mainframe as provided,
3. Legendary National Grand Master of The Arts (Respectfully, The Late) 顾景舟 Gu Jing Zhou's work: 汉铎壶 Han Duo Hu,
4. Legendary National Grand Master of The Arts, (Respectfully, The Late) 汪寅仙 Wang Yin Xian's work: 歪把梅桩 Wai Ba Mei Zhuang,
5. National Grand Master of The Arts, 何道洪 He Dao Hong's work: 秦方壶 Qin Fang Hu,
Dearest Patrons and Friends, thank you for your kindest time exploring our efforts in YiXing all these years.