GRAND ANNOUNCEMENT & SUMMARY of All The Top 6 Prized ZiSha Clays in the ZiSha Fraternity: Yuan Kuang Da Hong Pao 原矿大红袍, Wu Ni 乌泥, Dou Qing 豆青 etc, availed now for you friends!


In our DingShu Zhen, YiXing 丁蜀镇, 宜兴 ZiSha fraternity, there are a total of SIX Prized ZiSha Ore/Clays.
They are:  1. YuanKuang DaHongPao 原矿大红袍;  1. WuNi乌泥;  1. BenShan LüNi 本山绿泥;  1. Dou Qing 豆青;  1. QingDuan 青段 (different from QingHui Duan); 1. 4th Quarry DiCaoQing 四号井底槽青.
They are recognised by our inner circle, to be the top 6 Prized ZiSha Ore/Clays

(TianQingNi, in 2015 was discovered in a subatantial congregation.  It is not regarded as a rare clay since then, and, also a clarification to be mentioned is, this TianQing Ni discovered is not at the original DaShuiTan mining quarry site. There are too many iffy aspects of this clay and we in the inner circle are cognizant of the situation and facts and therefore to us, Tian Qing Ni does not hold ground and we do not talk about it.  Too iffy.)

Here we will share all correct information with you again, and the current statuses of YuanKuang DaHongPao, WuNi, DouQing and QingDuan.

For the past few decades, there have not been any more discovered.  Currently, there are only less than 50 bricks of YKDHP left in our DingShu Zhen, YiXing.
A quick revision: Yuan Kuang Da Hong Pao is the ONLY Hong Ni type, and for that matter, the only ZiSha, that has ITS NATIVE RAW ORE IN THE COLOUR STATE OF RED.
The rest of the HongNi types, e.g. XiaoHongNi, ZhuSha, ZhuNi DaHongPao, BenShan ZhuNi, XiaoMeiYao ZhuNi AND ZhaoZhuang ZhuNi, are all Yellow in its native raw ore state.

Repeating: There are only less than 50 bricks of YKDHP left in DingShu Zhen.
Here is the zenith rare, YuanKuang DaHongPao.

1.  WU NI 乌泥
Wu 乌 in Chinese, means Dark.
Ni 泥 in Chinese, means (ceramic) clay.
Wu Ni is regarded on a pedestal by us in YiXing ZiSha fraternity, by virtue of the fact that:
It is the ZiSha clay that will yield the darkest colour post-firing.  It is very dark gray.  Here is the zenith rare Wu Ni :
A refresher course:
There are only two additives allowed, safe, and recognised in the ZiSha fraternity:
1….Cobalt (in CoO form), which when added to BenShan LüNi, becomes Min Guo Lü Ni,

2….Manganese (in MnO2 form), which when added to ZiNi, gives Hei Ni.

Hei Ni being ZiNi + MnO2, will give a pitch black final colour after firing.  This is really pitch black.
Hei Ni is totally pitch black, and it is darker than Wu Ni which is very dark gray.  Again, the Wu Ni for comparison:

Wu Ni holds: the hallowed accolade, recognition and fame of being the ZiSha type that gives the DARKEST colour, post-firing, without any additive, and it is one of the top 6 Prized Clays in our YiXing ZiSha fraternity.
The last of this rare Wu Ni ore, was discovered and excavated in the 1980s.
Subsequently processed into last few bricks of Wu Ni clay, and these were astutely purchased during then and, stored and safe-kept by the most famous ZiSha Collector of our time: Mr Han Qi Lou 韩其楼。

Han Qi Lou is very famous and is a supremely respected figure in YiXing ZiSha.  The facts are thus: Han Qi Lou is a famed Calligrapher, and he is born in YiXing.  However, YiXing ZiSha for all its wonders and highest ceramic professional skill involved, was not well known outside of China before the 80s.  Han Qi Lou felt the duty to help his own YiXing folks.  In the 1980s he started bringing Gu Jing Zhou, Jiang Rong out of YiXing to promote ZiSha Art to the rest of the world.   Yes, indeed, he IS THE person who led and guided Gu Jing Zhou, Jiang Rong et al overseas, in order to help them spread and promote to the world about ZiSha Art.

Mr Han Qi Lou.
Speak to any YiXing folk, and they regard Han Qi Lou as one of the major esteemed father figures who helped propelled ZiSha to the world and brought it to huge prominence, understanding and recognition.  Dear Renowned Master Han Qi Lou is seated in the center in our file photo:
Han Qi Lou did not know these few WuNi bricks would be the last bricks ever.
And these very last bricks of WuNi were in the hands of this very famous and respected father figure.  Deservedly so.
The very last brick that he holds, VERY CRITICALLY,
was finally persuaded by Master Han's son-in-law: Wang Chao Peng 王超鹏 and Master Wang Chao Peng's nephew: Master Lu Shun Rong 陆顺荣, to be made into pots, whereby:
- Master Artist Lu Shun Rong will craft the pot, and, then hand it over to his uncle, Master Wang Chao Peng,
- Master Wang Chao Peng will then engrave on the ZiSha work.

This is the VERY renowned Master Artist Lu Shun Rong 陆顺荣:

All these pots are beautifully crafted by Master Artist Lu Shun Rong, onto which Wang Chao Peng would proudly inscribe on all of them.  We at RealZiSha and the Cao Family, HAVE, EXTREMELY GRATEFULLY: FOUR of them made from this VERY LAST BRICK. 
This is Master Wang Chao Peng 王朝鹏:

Wang Chao Peng is the BEST and Number One Artist for the inscription of Chinese Calligraphy in YiXing ZiSha Art.
There are other respected Artists whom we know/work with, for example, Grand Masters and Masters Mao Guo Qiang, Bao Zhi Qiang, Fan Xiao Jun, Jiang Yan Bin, Yi Dian, Zhang Ye, Dong Shi etc, in YiXing ZiSha, but they are known for the engraving Art of either Pine/ Plum Blossom/ Bamboo/ Scenery/ Animals/ Characters/ and may belong to either engraving of the Realism or the Inferred/Artistic, and not known primarily for the inscription of Calligraphy.


He is also commissionable by any of our patrons and friends here, to inscribe/engrave on any commissioned pots by Master Lu Shun Rong 陆顺荣 or Master Yang Quan Sheng 杨全胜 with us on RealZiSha.  So far about twelve have been done for our patrons.  And currently Master Wang is working on a few projects for our friends.  Please collect his works.  Highly recommended, not extravagant.  Yet, TOP CLASS.  Contact us for commissioning.  For example, you can have Lu Shun Rong 陆顺荣 or Yang Quan Sheng 杨全胜 craft your bespoke pot and the pot will be handed over to Wang Chao Peng 王超鹏 for the engraving/inscription works.

Dear Friends, there is NO more Wu Ni clay left in YiXing.
The last brick has all been made into pots.
We the Cao Family, who is their good family friend, secured the very last four pots made of this final WuNi brick.  All four of them of crafted by Master Artist Lu Shun Rong and inscribed by Wang Chao Peng.
We always speak the facts as they are.
We are releasing these THREE of the four absolutely immaculate and precious Wu Ni pots for you friends’ proudest collection all over the world.  The prices are very affordable and you know us at RealZiSha, we NEVER hype-hike the prices.  We have a heart for the fraternity and Art and for all of you friends in the world to hold onto them, and carry these Artworks into your homes, going from strength to strength.  We earn the most minimal and pass on the glorious works to you friends.  We are in this together.  Let us support one another in this lovely tea fraternity.  RealZiSha here will keep just one for ourselves, for our own reference.
This is therefore, an extinct ZiSha Ore/clay, and this is your last chance to procure it.  There is absolutely no more left in YiXing.
These three amazing WuNi ZiSha works are:
1.  Ming Xiang 茗香 crafted by Lu Shun Rong and Calligraphy Engraving by Wang Chao Peng, $2950:

2.  Ya Ming Si Fang 亚明四方 crafted by Lu Shun Rong, Calligraphy Engraving of Heart Sutra (SIGNATURE) by Wang Chao Peng, $3915:

3.  Zhen Si Fang 振四方 crafted by Lu Shun Rong, Calligraphy Engraving by Wang Chao Peng, $3675:

The one we are keeping for our own family and reference, is this pot, called Liu Fang Jin Zhong also crafted by Master Artist Lu Shun Rong and engraved by Master Wang, here is the one in our own reference collection.
4.  Liu Fang Jin Zhong 六方金钟 (our own collection for reference):


1. BEN SHAN LÜNI 本山绿泥 

BenShan LüNi was elucidated in our main page's article and section opening for commissioning Assoc Master Zhang Ke to help craft BenShan LüNi pots for you. It is one of the Six Rare Clay types, and even Huang Long Yuan company is safekeeping it and not selling it (but only on especial terms: in exchange of Award Winning Grand Masters' pots). You can read more about BenShan LüNi in our BenShan LüNi section on our main page. For this, our Cao Family is STEPPING UP and able to do whatever we can for the community: we ARE availing our own rare 100% Pure BenShan LüNi stocks for commissioning by you for your own precious esteemed collection. Many have privately or openly gotten theirs from us, crafted by Assoc Master Zhang Ke or Senior Master Cao Lan Fang. We know how to craft and fire this clay properly with gas-fired kiln instead of the electric kiln.

All BenShan LüNi pots from Zhang Ke and Cao Lan Fang are gas-kiln fired, THREE TIMES. It is a very lengthy process. Each firing requiring 24 hours, with very gradual warming up and an internal conveyor belt system that brings the pot in and out of heat. And in between each round, there is a period of gradual cooling down as well. The gas-firing kiln opens only twice a week, and also depending on temperature. It is a very time-consuming process to craft and fire a BenShan LüNi pot, to bring it to fruition. Here are the "Yun Ying", the latest creation by Zhang Ke, and also his famous Thin-Walled Shui Ping Set, both DELECTABLY made from our precious Cao Family's 100% Pure BenShan LüNi,

The above set is commissioned and freshly out from the kiln and is going to an American patron.


1.  DOU QING 豆青

Dou Qing ore is extinct as well.  There is also no more Dou Qing in YiXing.  The last bricks are self-kept by the Huang Long Yuan company 黄龙源, and Huang Long Yuan company is not selling it anymore.  They are safekeeping it for reference.
The only one that we have from Mr Han Qi Lou, Master Wang and Master Lu, we are keeping it in our own family’s reference collection.

Here is the amazing DouQing ZiSha pot,
1…Zhen Si Fang 振四方, not for sale,
It is for our reference and safekeeping.

1.  QING DUAN (different from Qing Hui Duan) 青段
Qing Duan is the 4th Esteemed Rare ZiSha Clay, and it is also an EXTINCT clay type too.  Only Huang Long Yuan company has it, and is not selling it anymore.  Huang Long Yuan company is keeping whatever remaining to themselves for reference's sake.

Here are two of the remaining ZiSha works made of Qing Duan acquired earlier on by Han Qi Lou from Huang Long Yuan company.  Both crafted by Master Lu Shun Rong and engraved by Master Wang Chao Peng.  One is our and the other belongs to one of our patron.


Likewise, 4th Quarry DiCaoQing was elucidated in our main page's article section opening for commissioning Senior Consummate Master Lu Xue Feng (Ornate/Polygonal), Assoc Master Yang Quan Sheng (Polygonal) and Assoc Master Du Cheng Yao (Austere) to help craft 4th Quarry DiCaoQing pots for you dearest friends and patrons.

We proceed now to your procurement process and the details of each of these TWO rare clays,
Thank you to all of you kindest friends and patrons for your time and earnestness learning about ZiSha and your kindest support all these years.

FOR THE EXEMPLARY WU NI pots, you can click to view the three Wu Ni pots now released for sale in this section:
1.  Ming Xiang 茗香,
2.  Ya Ming Si Fang 亚明四方,
3.  Zhen Si Fang 振四方。

FOR THE DELECTABLE YUAN KUANG DA HONG PAO commissioned works, let's go!

Dearest Friends,

From our very own Cao Family's renowned and precious collection of rare ores & clays. From our Family's mined and painstakingly preserved stock since the 1920s.  And, World Religious ZiSha Premier Master: Cao An Xiang signed-labelled certificates with unique RenMinBi cash notes-serial numbered for all our family's issued clays for every work procured by you our friend and patron.  For your provenance and reassurance, and unimitability.
Here we are,
The YuanKuang DaHongPao 原矿大红袍。
All of us Artists and Craftsmen, Cao Family et al Artists at RealZiSha do not pander to marketing hype.   In all these years, we had never, and will never jump on bandwagons offering and retailing pots of rare clays at exorbitant prices.  We do not subscribe to this manner of business.

We commit to doing the right thing, not the business thing.

When it comes to rare clays which we possess,
We hold ourselves strictly to accomplish two things:
1) Protect Limited Stocks of Rare Clays,
2) Do NOT prey on customers' desire for rare clays.  There are many willing buyers of rare clays who call us daily in China and from our international friends and patrons, and who are willing to offer high prices.  But we never once yielded to any notion of greed.  Instead, we always take time to advise them about proper ZiSha Art, about the fraternity, the inner proper workings.  We also advise them to focus on the Art of ZiSha, the skill involved in the pot: the ZiSha work's craftsmanship, and the honesty.  First and Foremost.

ALL THESE YEARS, we at the Cao Family and the esteemed collaborative Artists we team up with, have been AVAILING pots of rare clays ONLY at affordable and reasonable prices, e.g.
1) YuanKuang DaHongPao from our own Cao Family's stock,
2) BenShan LüNi from our own Cao Family's stock (which even Huang Long Yuan 黄龙远 company is keeping to themselves firmly and not selling),
3) Huang Long Yuan Company National-Authenticated only true 4th Quarry Di Cao Qing (procured through our especially warm and good relationship with Huang Long Yuan boss).

Bob Burg
in "Go-Givers" teaches all to firstly and ONLY, focus on giving value to people, and removing all thoughts of the receipt of money.
Peter Drucker states that "The purpose of a business is, to serve the customer."
John C. Maxwell advises that, as leaders within, leaders are in its essence to serve.
Jim Collins affirms that Great Companies though knowing profit is important, do not regard profits as the guiding light nor foremost pillar that a timeless business/company looks at.  It should be Values, OTHER than profits, that is the guiding light.
Steven Covey elucidated in The Eight Habit, that, in the coming Age of Wisdom: the true Magnetic North with its Values of Integrity and Morality is the strong totem to guide us humans all.

We believe in the Genius of The "AND",
and not the Tyranny of the "Or":

We CAN do the right things,
AND also, do the things right.

We believe you would do the same as what we do, if you are in our position of care.
We believe we will achieve
these TWO AIMS:
~ 1)Being Responsible: manage the controlled release of limited stock,
~ 2a)Not jumping on the bandwagon and making patrons pay $6k to $12k for a Yuan Kuang Da Hong Pao pot,
~ 2b) maintaining our sales of rare clays at very affordable and supremely reasonable prices and that the POT must ALSO be allied with proper good craftsmanship and skills developed from the hands of a reputable Artist.  做工必须要是好的, a pot should not be sold "just for the clay".

How have we been accomplishing these aims in tandem, for our customers and to the industry, especially when it comes to YuanKuang DaHongPao clay?
We have been availing orders for such extremely limited YuangKuang DaHongPao clay, once every three to eight years, and at extremely affordable and reasonable prices, WITHOUT ANY INFLATIONARY PRESSURE AT ALL.  We will continue to make the rightful sacrifices for the fraternity of friends, all of you.

In the whole of Ding Shu Town, Yi Xing now,
The ACTUAL number of bricks of YuanKuang DaHongPao clay, amounts to LESS than 50 bricks in total.  About 40 in fact.
  That means, a total of 40 x 12 ~ 480 pots at best, can be made of Yuan Kuang Da Hong Pao clay.

We at the Cao Family, will open our orders for YuanKuang DaHongPao clay on 1st January 2024.  The previous two times we opened were in yr2014 (one brick) and yr 2021 (one brick).

We run down again:
1.  There are about 40 bricks of Da Hong Ni/Yuan Kuang Da Hong Pao left in Yi Xing now.
2.  If one brick can be used to make 16 pots, and 4 pots are deformed or cracked after firing, it means one brick can provide for 12 pots.
If there are only 40 bricks left, it means 480 pots can ever be made from now on.  That really is all.
3.  There are 1.4billion locals, and with a conservative 25% of people drinking tea as part of their culture (i.e. 350million), and with an even more conservative 5% of them engaging and partaking in ZiSha Art and Craft, that means we have 17.5million people fighting for these 480 pots ever to be made of YKDHP.
The chances are, supremely slim.

And you know it isn't right when you see all the ubiquitous fake "YuanKuang DaHongPao" going around on websites and from sellers.

Each brick of clay being 15kg, can be crafted into about 16 simple austere pots, of which only and likely: 12 will be successful.  Our Aunt, Senior Master Cao Lan Fang is most familiar with this clay and she has always been the one from our Cao Family crafting the Yuan Kuang Da Hong Pao clay into ZiSha Works for our local China and overseas patrons and friends, and here, she will continue her good work, to help you craft your most special YuanKuang DaHongPao pot.

The price is $2960 for this YuangKuang DaHongPao ZiSha Work crafted by Senior Master Cao Lan Fang.
There are three models which you can choose from:
1.  Duo Zhi 掇只,
2.  Jing Zhou Shi Piao 景舟石瓢,
3.  De Zhong 德钟。

The Chinese population is 1.4billion.  Tea is part and parcel of our local Chinese culture, and MANY are drinking tea and aiming/aspiring to get Fully-Handmade ZiSha pots.  Take the above conservative observations and we have 17.5million people engaging and clamouring for the high quality Fully-Handmade ZiSha pots.  And they have been buying since the 1990s when economy is flourishing.  What more now with a huge number of affluent people in China.
Facing this barrage of 17.5million people asking customers, including the many established rich founders and directors of companies, and the affluent and ambitious young and middle-aged PMEBs and businessmen,

~ you know what you would do if you ARE an Artist/Clay stockist holding onto these FEW bricks of YKDHP clays:

We at the Cao Family have YuanKuang DaHongPao bricks.  Each of the few families/clay stockists around in YiXing DingShu 丁蜀镇 Town have only one to a few bricks left each.

We are a family of Artists and we have 22 warehouses of ZiSha clay, but YuanKuang DaHongPao is alas, YuanKuang DaHongPao,  What we have is limited too.  We are very fortunate that our pioneering grandfather in the 1920s, have mined and kept for us to use and to savour, slowly.

We will open our remaining few bricks only once every few years.  Every one of us, the remaining families, have a duty to preserve this clay.

With 90% of Artists turned over to the dishonest ways of the Dai Gong 代工 industry, and the remaining honest 10% who are struggling and continuing to put a good fight,
it becomes extremely ONEROUS to pull together a team of Artists who are not just focused purely on Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art, but able to sacrifice profits and time, to give value to patrons, and to safeguard this precious Art in danger of dying off.

The above is the photo of our Aunt Senior Master Cao Lan Fang with the YuangKuang DaHongPao clay and a completed DeZhong which she had kept for herself.  The other DeZhong was sold to an Engineering Professor in Melbourne.  All the YKDHP pots made in the past decades had already been procured safely by our friends and patrons.

Our Aunt, Senior Master Cao Lan Fang, in order to withdraw this brick of YuanKuang DaHongPao: she would have to ask permission from her brothers (National Grand Master of The Arts: Cao Ya Lin, and Senior Consummate Master Cao An Xiang) and sister (Provincial Grand Master of Ceramic Arts: Cao Yan Ping).  They have agreed for one brick to be opened to craft Yuan Kuang Da Hong Pao pots for you come January 2024!

Write to us now at and book your place, for there are only 10 pot places available.  This is the extreme chance to procure one of the last Yuan Kuang Da Hong Pao in YiXing ZiSha Fraternity.  Simple initial placement fee of $500 (Shopify official payment portal will be set up for you) and Senior Master Cao will cut and reserve the allocated slab for you.  Senior Master Cao Lan Fang will personally take care of the planning, preparation for the crafting of these 10 rarified works for you friends starting in January 2024.  Booking for this precious slot and work start is on a First Come, First Served basis.  You can choose to have one or two or three pots commissioned.  We will open two third of a new brick this time to craft these 10 pots. We will seal back the one-third brick, and it will be another two years before we reopen the rest. 

Senior Cao Lan Fang will open the brick and start crafting from January 2024, and along the way she will update you of the proceedings as well.  Photo below is Cao Family's esteemed YuanKuang DaHongPao, the remaining few bricks of clay.
Let us all friends share in its controlled, fair and coordinated usage.
We thank you dearest Friends and Patrons.

ALL YUAN KUANG DA HONG PAO WORKS by Senior Master Cao Lan Fang will importantly: have Premier Master's Cao An Xiang's certification.
Below are her extremely prized 2021 Yuan Kuang Da Hong Pao ZiSha Works, made for Prof Griffith from Wales, Dr Lin from Singapore, Prof Johnston from Melbourne,

Recent major trip: We all went to and was up at An Hui's 安徽 famous Da Yuan Chan Si 大愿禅寺 temple recently on the 8th Sept 2023 weekend for the presentation and inauguration of our family's work and effort to the temple, the famous Da Yuan Chan Si.  Here are photos of us with you can see all of us: our uncle Premier Master Cao An Xiang 曹安祥, our Aunt Senior Master Cao Lan Fang 曹兰芳, our cousin Assoc Master Zhang Ke 张轲。

This is the 131st Fully-Handmade ZiSha Religious Set that our Uncle Cao An Xiang has made for a temple.  You can view most of the other sets in Premier Master Cao An Xiang's section found on our front mainpage too.

Senior Master Cao Lan Fang with Premier Master Cao An Xiang at the front desk of the event dinner on Friday evening 9th September 2023.

Proud of our Uncle Cao An Xiang for his endless and tiring efforts all these years,

On the morning of Saturday morning, 9th September 2023 for our humble presentation and inauguration of the Fully-Handmade ZiSha Religious Set for the temple.  The Chief Abbot gracefully accepted and adopted the ZiSha Works.  Thank you, Abbot.

Followers getting up close to the ZiSha Works.

On the night, it is the ceremony for the lighting up of 9,999 lights on the stairs leading up to the Buddha Statue.  Yi-Lei and Zhang Ke.

Our Aunt Senior Master Cao Lan Fang helping out for the offerings,

Wang Chao Peng 王超鹏 is born in 1961 in YiXing, DingShu Town.  His father-in-law is the famous calligrapher Han Qi Lou 韩其楼.  Master Han Qi Lou is himself, the most famous ZiSha Art patron and collector in YiXing.  During the 70s to 80s, he led legendary Gu Jing Zhou and Jiang Rong, in travelling overseas to introduce, educate and propagate ZiSha Art to the world.  Han Qi Lou is thus recognised as the leading, major and influential father figure in YiXing ZiSha Art fraternity.  Having such an established Calligrapher Artist and major ZiSha figure in YiXing as his father-in-law, Wang Chao Peng has since young endeared himself to and, researched intensively Calligraphy and working hard in both his Calligraphy and Engraving Art in ZiSha.  His perseverance and dedication, and the results he had achieved propelled him to be known as “YiXing’s Kai Style Calligraphy - Number 1 Premier Master”.  He is also known to be the BEST in Calligraphy Engraving, regardless of Kai Shu, Zuan Shu, Xing Shu, Li Shu, etc.  Any ZiSha Work born with his Calligraphy Engraving, instantly becomes a timeless, cherished and prized ZiSha Work.  He works specifically with Master Lu Shun Rong, and with Assoc Master Yang Quan Sheng due to his years of close professional relationship.
These are his personal casual and candid photos he has with us:

Wang Chao Peng 王超碰 is Art Fraternity’s ONLY Master Engraver who can engrave and inscribe Chinese Characters EACH MEASURING ONLY 1.5mm tall and 1.5mm wide ONLY AND YET STILL BE ABLE TO MANIFEST ALL THE BEAUTY, DETAILS, STRENGTH, FLOW AND DELICACY (Bi Feng 笔锋) of calligraphy.  Yes a character 1.5mm by 1.5mm.  Wang Chao Peng has also won and garnered ALL of YiXing’s Calligraphy Engraving Art accolades.  All of them:

Master Wang Chao Peng - YiXing’s Famous Calligraphy Engraver, especially known for his Kai Shu (Kai Style) of calligraphy, here inscribes on all these three works that are very, very, very proudly and grandly presented to all of you. 

In Chinese Calligraphy, Kai Shu (Kai style) is the most demanding.  There are five kinds of Calligraphy styles, e.g. Kai Shu, Zuan Shu, Li Shu, Cao Shu, Xing Shu.

The saying goes, if I were to hand you a page of Xing Shu to write, you can finish it in ten minutes, but if I were to hand you a page of Kai Shu to write, you may be sweating and puffing for half a day and still don't get one page out.

The Way of Kai Style is extremely demanding.   First you must have good upbringing:

Heart must be Quiet and Still with Integrity,

Body must be Straight,

Hands must be Steady,

Breathing must be Smooth with Stamina.

All these must exist together in the Master Calligrapher in order to perform and write a stanzas of words which are COHESIVE, from start to finish.
From the First character to the Last character.

HIS MOST OUTSTANDING work which he is most famous for, is:
The Heart Sutra Small Kai Style.

This is the reason why very few modern great Calligraphers major in Kai Style.  It is the most demanding. 

And, Master Wang has to work on a curved surface that is not flat on the table but slanted or even perpendicular to the table.  Onerous.  This is why Master Wang is THE ZENITH ONE.  And he is extremely humble, and his price for performing this engraving Art for our ZiSha works, is not exorbitant.

His price range from $800 to $1500,
and $1800-$2500 for ZiSha's Fraternity Top:
Full Heart Sutra ~ Kai Style Engraving wonder.
Besides the Ya Ming Si Fang that is seen for sale below in this section,
Here is the sample of another one done for our Chinese friend and patron,

Master Wang is the top Calligraphy Engraving Master and he excels in ALL FIVE TYPES OF CHINESE CALLIGRAPHY.  Below is the recent work he has done for our Chinese friend and patron, in Cao Shu,

Loving and Appreciating what you see above?
Dearest Friends, continue to talk to us.

He is also able to have a Streamyard call with you after you receive your completed work by him.  Honest, famous, hardworking, and humble Master.

Master Wang works and collaborates EXCLUSIVELY with us at RealZiSha.

We share with you our private file photos here, as we quietly stand in awe of the greatest Calligraphy Engraving Master Wang at work here engraving for our patrons,

Now we come to his collaborative nephew who also works with us at RealZiSha: Master Lu.  Master Lu Shun Rong 陆顺荣, was born in 1971 in YiXing DingShu Town.  His grandfather is the renowned Han Qi Lou 韩其楼, his merits and credentials as introduced above.  His uncle is Wang Chao Peng, The Premier Calligraphy Engraving Master of YiXing, as mentioned above.
Master Lu’s natural influence draws from his childhood and his birthplace in YiXing DingShu Town.   During his teens, he enrolled into ZiSha 1st Factory in the 80s to begin his profession in Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art.  His chief master and teacher is Grand Master Xu Han Tang 徐汉棠。 Xu Han Tang is the most senior disciple of legendary Gu Jing Zhou.  After 30 years of research and work in ZiSha Art, Lu Shun Rong began to establish a very distinct style of his own.  His prowess lies especially in Austere and Polygonal Pots research and design, his compositions powerfully combining traditional design flair and modern aesthetic language.  His designs have reached the epitome of Chinese Orientalism.  Whether Austere 光素器, Polygonal 方器 or Curved Polygonal 混方器, he aces them.  Lines are fluid.  Every line and curve amazingly augment others and blend together to constitute a powerful whole.  You will be able to witness all three aspects: the Joints, Lines and Surfaces, are formidably cohesive, emanating beautiful and authoritative aura.

This Grand Announcement also presents to ALL of YOU dearest RealZiSha friends and patrons, the announcement that Wang Chao Peng and Lu Shun Rong are officially working with us only and we will be able to invite all of you friends to put in your bespoke commissioning of superb ZiSha works by Master Lu Shun Rong and supreme Calligraphy engraving by the BEST Calligraphy Engraving in YiXing ZiSha Fraternity: Wang Chao Peng.  We have been working together for several years in tandem and welcome all of you for the exclusive route to gaining their ZiSha Works from now on.  We already have several orders on hand anytime from our old regular friends, so feel free talk to us and we will slot your bespoke work in between as our regular China friends are very accommodating.

Again our file photo of Mr Han Qi Lou's family and friends:
Master Han Qi Lou seated in the middle of the photo, his son-in-law Calligraphy Engraving Supremo Wang Chao Peng standing second from the right, and his grandson ZiSha Master Lu Shun Rong standing fifth from the left.
We enable and empower you to enjoy this endearing ZiSha Art appreciation and ultimately satisfying procurement and ownership journey.
