De Zhong ~ "Jian Liu" De Zhong 剑流德钟, 273ml, Da Shui Tan Zi Ni 大水潭紫泥, by our Collaborative Craftsman Chen Fa Chu 陈法初。

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Da Shui Tan Zi Ni, is the clay that is mined from the same Quarry site as the (mythical) Tian Qing Ni.  The Quarry Pit is named Da Shui Tan Kuang Qu 大水潭矿区。

Our Da Shui Tan Zi Ni, not just being authentic, is sold to true connoisseurs at this low price.  Dear Friends, this is superb quality Da Shui Tan Zi Ni.  Get one.

Its colour is almost the same as the said Tian Qing Ni.  In fact, so similar they are, that, there is a joke from Chen Fa Chu: his patrons can possibly buy his Da Shui Tan Zi Ni pot at 1500rmb and sell it off at 10,000-20,000rmb as "Tian Qing Ni"!

REST ASSURED.  No way our trusty Chen Fa Chu, whom all our Artists have his back, is going to sell this at any inflated, exorbitant and dishonest prices.  We abide by the highest code of honesty in serving our patrons and even Museums local and worldwide.

Even if other retailers are actually selling Da Shui Tan pots, they list them as "Tian Qing Ni" pots and selling at $4,000, $7,000, $10,000.


Get an authentic Da Shui Tan Zi Ni pot at only $180- <$300 from us and be the Wise, Aware and the Learned one.

Because, we in our fraternity do know, that Da Shui Tan Zi Ni and they appear almost the same as the mythical Tian Qing Ni pot.  Both embody the highly similar grayish-purplish hue.

Enjoy one beautiful and authentic Da Shui Tan Zi Ni pot from our dedicated Craftsman Chen Fa Chu.

Do not ever get fleeced by others selling "Tian Qing Ni" works.  Most are Jigger-machined pots not made from ZiSha at all, and those that are made of ZiSha are actually made from Da Shui Tan Zi Ni instead.

Tian Qing Ni.
One of the biggest rabbit holes for consumers into ZiSha Art and Craft.
Fact is:  There is NO certification for Tian Qing Ni.
None of our Grand Masters is ever going to certify any pot work as Tian Qing Ni.
They know that Tian Qing Ni exists solely as our imagination, and is a rabbit hole that they advise everybody not to fall for.
They will NEVER advise you nor agree with you to chase down a "Tian Qing Ni Ore and/or pot".
They with all the learning behind them, will tell you that, Tian Qing Ni, is a type of ZiSha ore,
1.  described only in words by a literati in the Qing Dynasty,
The person is called Zhou Gao Qi 周高起, the book he wrote is Yang Xian Ming Hu Xi 阳羡茗壶系。

2.  however there is ZERO Ore Specimen being handed down by him to anybody else,
3.  there is also NOT one single pot handed down by him to anybody else,
4.  Not even Huang Long Yuan company dare to say they have this mythical Tian Qing Ni.
Therefore, it remains the mythical ore, which depending on one's own interpretation of the words written by Zhou Gao Qi, can be "labelled as Tian Qing Ni."
See the danger here?  "depending on one's own interpretation of the words of Zhou Gao Qi.  There is no physical specimen ever handed down by him.  No ore nor pot.

Tian Qing Ni is still described in a few publications and "reference books" written by certain authors (which many have heard of or bought such publications), but the truth remains that is Tian Qing Ni is as per points Number 1 to 4 above.
Dear Friends, do also have the right understanding that:
There is NO REFERENCE BOOK EVER WRITTEN BY YIXING ZISHA ASSOCIATION.  All publications and books found in the market, are written by a few authors or workers who have gathered their own specimens of ores through the years, and they write these books based on what their perception is.
We at RealZiSha, we do know these few authors, we do meet them and have tea with them.  We maintain our cordiality and courtesy with them.

But our Artists, Grand Masters, we, do maintain our stance and maintain our core principles.  Many things are common sense, and should never be hyped.

Dear Friends, in YiXing, in fact, nobody in our proper fraternity talk about clays much.  The unscrupulous ore sellers or pot sellers always say that, as long as a customer walk in very concerned about various types of ores and clays, these customers are "easy meat".  Please do not be one of these customers.

We focus on Craftsmanship.  All YiXing ZiSha (properly mined, picked against the impurities) are equally good in our eyes, hands, and the tea we steep them with.
Be a true ZiSha wise aficionado and learned person, focussing of simply two points:  1)Craftsmanship, and 2)as long as it is YiXing ZiSha, it is good ZiSha.   Don't pay for hyped up clays with many ore photos and fanciful names.

Enjoy affordable ZiSha works by our Craftsmen and Artists :-D !!!
Support PROPER Da Shui Tan Zi Ni.  Although they are affordable, do not ever think that Da Shui Tan Zi Ni is not precious.  It IS!, just that we price it with a honest conscience at affordable prices.  Yes, just because they are affordable, please do now see them as lesser.  They are not.  It is just that Craftsman Chen and us just do the proper thing.  Remember, you can/are going to bring this pot to meet us anytime in YiXing and have tea with our Master Artists and Grand Masters possibly, and tell them you acquired this from Craftsman Chen Fa Chu at the price you paid.  Your Da Shui Tan Zi Ni pot here is a source of pride and joy, albeit being affordable.   This Da Shui Tan Zi Ni is precious.

We strongly recommend you to purchase our Da Shui Tan Zi Ni pots which are crafted by Chen Fa Chu.
Kindly do:
They are a strong learning point in your journey as well.

These Da Shui Tan Zi Ni pots are precious because the ore is excavated, mined and retrieved from the Da Shui Tan quarry which had been flooded by waters since the 1990s.

Da Shui Tan ZiNi exhibits the same: grayish-purplish-slight brownish hue as the mythical "Tian Qing Ni pot" by Zhou Gao Qi.

You notice that, our Chen Fa Chu's Fang Gu made of DiCaoQing ZiNi and DaShuiTan ZiNi, cost the SAME affordable price-points.

Please get one.  They make amazing tea, with very slight muting effect on any bitterness in the tea leaves during steeping, and heightening their "refreshed"-ness and slight sweetness!


All time, Evergreen must-have Classic, De Zhong 德钟。Handsomely SCULPTED by our Craftsman Chen Fa Chu. Thank you for your grandest support to the honest and dedicated Craftsladies and Craftsmen left to fend the Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art.

Yes, courtesy of our hardworking Craftsman Chen Fa Chu。
He thanks you for your grand support to the honest and dedicated Craftsladies and Craftsmen here left to fend the Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art.

The Stalwart, dedicated to the cause, Craftsman Chen Fa Chu, thanks you, for embracing his work.

Enjoy his superb, classic handwork!!!and let his work accompany you on your tea journey!  Thank you Friends!

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