曹兰芳 - 高级工艺美术师, Cao Lan Fang Senior Master Artist.
Video and Paper Certification with Senior Master Artist Cao Lan Fang, 高级师工艺美术师 - 曹兰芳 for every Artwork of hers procured.
She is our Aunt.
She is one of the Four Sibilings (ZiSha Generals) of the Cao Family:
曹亚麟国家工艺美术大师 Cao Ya Lin - National Grand Master of The Arts.
曹燕萍江苏省工艺美术名人 Cao Yan Ping - JiangSu Provincial Grand Master of Ceramic Arts.
曹兰芳国家工艺美术师 Cao Lan Fang - L2 Senior Master Artist
曹安祥紫砂炉第一人 Cao An Xiang - ZiSha religious receptacles Pioneer and Top Most Esteemed Artist.