Craftsman Wang yielded to our demands to make as small a Xiao Ying as possible! Very happy to see this small Xiao Ying come off the kiln SUCCESSFULLY!!!
No disrespect to our common buddy colleague, Craftsman Chen Fa Chu; and just having light banter here: but Chen Fa Chu's Exquisite Xiao Ying pieces have always been larger, at between 260ml to 285ml! These 240 to 280ml sizes are optimum especially for our local Chinese customers who serve tea to four family members or friends, often after meals. Everybody drinks tea :-)
So finally, a smaller Xiao Ying!
Cherish this small Xiao Ying by our lovely group of Craftsmen! This treasured piece from Wang Li Qin!
Not easy to craft a small Xiao Ying. Wang Li Qing is a lady, and naturally has smaller fingers than men, and this is an advantage to lady Craftsmen crafting smaller pieces.
Xiao Ying 笑樱 originates from the Ming Dynasty, and in the 1970s was modified by legendary Gu Jing Zhou, the shape of which lasted till today as the definitive most beautiful Xiao Ying. It served as a ZiSha gift for our Chinese government in a major meeting between China and Japan, in the happy reestablishment of ties. Gu Jing Zhou named it 笑樱 because from the side, the pot looks as if it is smiling (微笑), and Japanese loves the Sakura flowers (樱花)。
The Body's top and bottom sections both sport the amazing convex and concave curves. The curved have to end at each end: a) bottom plate and b) top opening plate for the lid to sit on. These two sections tests the Craftsman in his/her patting skills: demanding amazing eyesight, sharpness and experience to get the slab into the desired shape. Dexterity and quickness to stop and make corrections early if the curvatures are not in accordance to the Classic Xiao Ying by Gu Jing Zhou. Very testing of skills.
Xiao Ying heavily exposes the Craftsman's familiarity with the shape.
Thus we always have a Fully-Handmade Xiao Ying as a prime piece to teach, ogle at and admire, and of course pour tea! And boy, pour tea does it do excellently. The spout's base starts with a wide lumen allowing a strong and voluminous pull, and because of the tapering design: getting smaller as it reaches the exit end, creates a pressure to result in a strong jet.
The spout is a great beauty by itself, which demands a lot of time and skill to perfect, Craftsman do take as much as a day to just get it right to be fitted onto the body! The adjoining part to the body must also be diligently sculpted so that the whole ZiSha pot looks absolutely cohesive and balanced: spout, body, lid and handle. A highly demanding Austere ZiSha Model. The handle's "fly"feature 飞把 design serves as the landing area for pulp of your thumb to rest on, providing delightful ergonomics as during use.
Wang Li Qin is one of our family of devoted Craftsmen serving you friends with great Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art! We are honoured to have her with us!
Craftsman Wang sculpted a 手推内球孔 Hand-Pushed Spherical Filter to increase the number of filter holes for a solid and fast pour of tea out, working with the largish diameter spout; and with better catching of tea leaves at the bottom fast while allowing tea to flow out from the upper holes.
Excellent form. Experience only gained through painstaking efforts through the years.
Skilful Craftsman Wang Li Qin with us all at RealZiSha. Our happy and hardworking family is united for you friends. Thank you dearest Friends in Tea, for your grandest support to these honest and dedicated Craftsmen left to fend the Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art and Craft.
BRING ONE HOME, USE IT and you will know all about Fully-Handmade ZiSha, the feel of real and quality YiXing ZiSha, the nurturing of Patina, how true ZiSha Patina feels and looks like, the Zenith Tea Taste that only Pure and Good Quality ZiSha can give you, and equally important: the Aura exuding from a Fully-Handmade ZiSha Work which others simply can't bring forth, all from the hands of Craftsman Wang Li Qin's skills. You will know everything then. With you friends, we are altogether fending our common tea culture. Thank you!
Explained, , the Craftsman by selling his hard-worked ZiSha craft at $190-$240, $45-$65 goes to the cost of the craft, inclusive of the fees for the firing for the kiln operator (three times per pot), the packaging boxes, and between $32 to $52 for the clay (Zi Ni Di Cao Qing, Duan Ni and upwards) used per pot. Craftsman takes 3 days (fastest 2.5days) to craft a pot.
If he works 30 days a month without a single day of rest (no family time), he will craft 10-12 pots.
If he crafts for 25 days (five days of rest a month), his output will be 8-10 pots.
The success rate for Zi Ni (e.g. Di Cao Qing, Lao Zi Ni, Da Shui Tan etc) and Duan Ni (e.g. Jiang Po Ni, Qing Hui Duan, etc) is 70% on average. Some times the whole batch of 10 may fail. We have seen our Craftsmen suffer like this very often.
The success rate for Zhu Ni (e.g. Xiao Mei Yao Zhu Ni) pots is 60%, or 70% with most optimism and at the very, very best. Unfortunately.
All of us at RealZiSha of course, hope for one another, professional colleagues and all, that all the pots will survive firing at the kiln successfully.
[For ZiSha models/designs that are very challenging and more complicated to craft, the time taken to craft will be longer, and the failure rate will be higher as well. Zi Sha by its virtue, have the highest shrinkage rate of all ceramic clay. Zi Ni and Duan Ni thus have that 70% success rate, while Zhu Ni has even higher shrinkage rate and thus even lower success rate (the lowest of all ceramic clay.)]
Our Craftsmen are wholeheartedly committed to the cause of Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art and their strictness with their craft and dedication earn our respect. We give a big Thank You all of these Craftsmen, for they are saving what is our common precious tea culture: Tea + Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art and Craft. Your support is critical to their livelihood and the existence of this craft for all of the tea fraternity.
Thank you Friends!
Tremendous labor of love by our trusted and committed collaborative Craftsman Wang Li Qin. It is a team effort and we thank you dearest Friends for your grandest support to the honest and the dedicated Craftsmen here left to fend the Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art.
The lines and detailing speak of Craftsman Chen Gui Zhi's EXTREME CARE AND TIME taken to craft each part, each pot. Hold one, hold up one, swing the work around. Carefully examine his Fully-Handmade work. Look at it from afar, from near, and it will grow on you, with fine detailing with MUCH THOUGHT on each part, with MUCH TIME spent on every part, section. Because this is what Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art should be, and HOW FULLY-HANDMADE ZISHA ART is so different from and light years ahead of the ubiquitous jigger-machined pots and half-handmade pots masquerading under the sales tagline of "fully-handmade zisha" pots. These latter JM/HHM pots are made in what we call 流水线 a.k.a. 'Factory-Line operation' whereby the main pot body after being jigger-machined or coming off from the mould, is passed to the next worker who fits on the spout, and subsequently this second worker will pass the pot on to another worker who will in turn fit on the handle. Continuing so, the pressed lid is likewise passed to another worker who fit on the lid knob. EACH WORKER has NO IDEA what the other one is doing, and they are always working on fixed time lines stated by the boss. For example, the worker being "passed the baton" a pot with the spout just fixed onto the body by his colleague, will only focus on fixing on the handle, with nil to little regard to WHETHER THE HANDLE fixed on will be cohesive with the spout. Each worker has NO idea of HOW THE FINAL POT WILL LOOK LIKE. Beyond poor craftsmanship and clay, the result of such processes are ugly pots with poor cohesiveness which experienced Artists, Craftsmen and collectors will tell from a metre away. Experienced people in us, do not need to pick up a pot to check whether it is fully-handmade or made of zisha, we can tell from a metre away just by looking at the pot.
The keywords are: Detailing and Cohesiveness.
A GOOD Fully-Handmade ZiSha Work combines great detailing and cohesiveness.
(Dear Friends, during the photo-taking process, five to six separate spotlights above and around, are used. Looking at the photos, the collar-rim of the lid-body interface thus shows the various spotlights' reflection. You will therefore see 2 to 3 scattered brighter spots around the collar-rim. Some friends had asked before, "is the rim-collar having any irregularity in circularity?". Thus, rest assured. Do not misconstrue the two to three brighter spots around the lid-body rim collar to mean any irregularity in circularity of the rim-collar.
Yes, the rim-collars of all these ZiSha works crafted by our Craftsmen ARE REGULAR in CIRCULARITY :-D, and you can rest assured. Thank you Friends.)