This a New Work from Assoc Master Du, clean, stately lines, perfect proportions, gentlemanly poise.
Assoc Master Du chose these words “一杯浊酒笑红尘"
These seven words are actually from the full poem: “一杯浊酒笑红尘,半盏清茶淡贫生。”
It means “Drink a cup of alcohol, one laughs but either to the positive or negative things that happened in life"
The second sentence means, "Having a cup of tea, one understands truly in Life, to let go and simplify in Life"
1) You notice why only the first part was engraved, because Chinese tea appreciator knows how to recite the second verse.
2) The second line also need not be engraved, because,
Dear friends:
The experience and realisation, of the second verse, is in the drinking of the tea!
Drink tea, dear friends.
Video and Paper Certification with Associate Master Artist Du Cheng Yao, 助理工艺美术师 - 堵程尧 for every Artwork of his procured.
After receipt of this work, we will arrange a Video Certification call for you with Assoc Master Du Cheng Yao.
Thank you friends, for your kindest support of the precious ZiSha Art.