The All time, Evergreen must-have Classic, De Zhong 德钟。Handsomely SCULPTED by our Craftsman Chen Fa Chu. Thank you for your grandest support to the honest and dedicated Craftsladies and Craftsmen left to fend the Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art.
Here at a handy, newly crafted ~280ml volume!
Lovingly made by our trusted and committed collaborative Craftsman Chen Fa Chu. He thanks you for your grandest support to the honest and dedicated Craftsladies and Craftsmen here left to fend the Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art.
The Stalwart, dedicated to the cause, Craftsman Chen Fa Chu, thanks you, for embracing his work.
Enjoy his superb, classic handwork!!!and let his work accompany you on your tea journey! Thank you Friends!
BRING ONE HOME, USE IT and you will know all about Fully-Handmade ZiSha, the feel of real and quality YiXing ZiSha, the nurturing of Patina, how the true Patina feels and looks like, the Aura exuded from a Fully-Handmade Pot which others simply can't bring forth, and, Craftsman Chen Fa Chu's skills, savour the pour. You will know everything then.