曹亚麟国大师 - 国家工艺美术大师, Cao Ya Lin - National Grand Master of The Arts. One of the only 11 of this Zenith Grade ZiSha Masters: National Grand Masters of the Arts.

曹亚麟国大师, 国家工艺美术大师

The Zenith Grade of ZiSha Masters, is, the NATIONAL GRAND MASTERS OF THE ARTS.
There are ONLY ELEVEN of them.

Cao Ya Lin is one of them, and one of us at realzisha.com.  He is Jeff's uncle as well.

How this highest echelon works: should a new National Grand Master is elected, that will only be When one of the 11 passes away.

Jeff is able to connect you with him Grand Master Cao Ya Lin 曹亚麟大师.

Connection is key.  Not money.

WE provide the best 人脉 in YiXing FOR YOU.


曹亚麟 Cao Ya Lin and Jeff