邵顺生省大师 - 江苏省工艺美术大师, Shao Shun Sheng - Jiang Su Grand Master of The Arts.
Video and Paper Certification with JiangSu Provincial Grand Master of The Arts Shao Shun Sheng, 江苏省工艺美术大师 - 邵顺生 for every Artwork of his procured.
Shao Shun Sheng 邵顺生 is the 6th Generation Direct Descendant of:
ZiSha’s history Most Legendary Master: Shao Da Heng 邵大亨。
Shao Da Heng is Gu Jing Zhou’s most respected ZiSha Master.
邵大亨, 是顾景舟最敬佩的紫砂大师。
December 2020:
Panama-Pacific 2020 International Exposition Gold Prize Winner
After Master Cheng Shou Zhen last won it in 1915 with his “掇球” pot, many ZiSha Masters have tried and failed.
All of us waited for 105 years before GrandMaster Shao Shun Sheng win it FOR THE ZISHA FRATERNITY,
now with his 隋唐钱柜 “Sui & Tang Dynasties’ Safe” pot,
AND the 菱花夺魁 "Ling Flower Snatches The Crown" pot.
Latest news, December 2021:
He won it yet again. On 2021 Dec 6th:
Panama-Pacific 2021 International Exposition Gold Prize Winner:
一脉相通 "Connected in a Single Pulse" pot.
!Thus after 105 years since 1915 when the last ZiSha pot won it,
We get to witness in our lifetime: Grand Master Shao Shun Sheng winning CONSECUTIVELY! for TWO YEARS Yr2020 and Yr2021, the Panama International Exposition Gold Awards.
Historical and grand achievement on the most colossal scale!
2010年 授予无锡市『五一』劳动奖章;
2012年 授予江苏省『五一』劳动奖章;
2013年 被授予全国『五一』劳动奖章;
2010: Awarded WuXi City's prestigious May1st Labour Medal as the most outstanding Public Service Accolade
2012: Awarded JiangSu Province's prestigious May1st Labour Medal as the most outstanding Public Service Accolade
2013: Awarded CHINA NATIONAL prestigious May1st Labour Medal as the most outstanding Public Service Accolade
2014年 创立宜兴市邵顺生紫砂艺术馆;
2014: Estabilshed YiXing City Shao Shun Sheng ZiSha Art Museum
2015年 被评为江苏质量服务信誉创优AAAAA先进单位,媒体特别推荐 江苏质量信得过品牌紫砂示范单位;
2015: Being heralded by as the top JiangSu Provincial 5A Quality-Service-Reputation Establishment.
2016年 授予邵顺生全国紫砂艺术行业十佳先进工作者;
2016年 授予邵顺生紫砂艺术馆 全国紫砂艺术行业十佳诚信单位;
- accorded title of one of the National Top 10 Advanced Proponents of ZiSha Art
- Shao Shunsheng ZiSha Museum awarded and accorded title of National Top Ten Integrity Establishment for the ZiSha Art Industry
- accorded as one of the『 3.15』Sterling Establishments with Excellent Integrity upholding Quality, Service and Reputation
2017年 授予邵顺生紫砂艺术馆 江苏省明星企业;
2017年 授予邵顺生全国紫砂艺术先进工作者;
2017年 江苏省文化产业商会理事单位;
- Shao Shunsheng ZiSha Museum awarded and accorded title of JiangSu Province Star Enterprise
- awarded and accorded title of China National Advanced Proponent of the ZiSha Art
- admitted to the Board of Directors for JiangSu Chamber of Commerce and Culture
2018年 授予邵顺生紫砂艺术馆江苏具特色名优紫砂艺术馆;
2018年 授予邵顺生紫砂艺术馆江苏十佳诚信文宝紫砂经营单位;
2018年 20件精品编入“中国高等艺术院校教育范本”;
- Shao Shunsheng ZiSha Museum awarded and accorded title of JiangSu’s Distinctive and Excellent ZiSha Art Museum
- Shao Shunsheng ZiSha Museum awarded and accorded title of JiangSu’s Top Ten Integrity Conservatory for ZiSha Cultural Treasures
- his 20 creations incorporated into Education Template of China’s College of Higher Art
2020年 荣获2020第105届美国巴拿马万国博览会国际金奖。
2020: Won 105th Panama International Exposition Yr 2020 Gold Award with “Sui & Tang Dynasties’ Safe” AND “Ling Flower Snatches the Crown” creations.
2021年 荣获2021第106届美国巴拿马万国博览会国际金奖。
2021: Won 106th Panama International Exposition Yr 2021 Gold Award with “Connected in a Single Pulse” creation.