李艳如, 振兴技艺师/工艺美术师, Li Yan Ru, L3A Consummate Master Artist. Her Top Three Exquisite Works all launch here! Again, exclusively at RealZiSha.

L3A Consummate Master Artist Li Yan Ru 振兴技艺师,工艺美术师 ~ 李艳如 HAS joined us! She combines great skills, guile and verve in creating RESPLENDENT works, which had gone places and won awards. The laminated copy of the Awards will follow the corresponding Winning Work to the Patron here at RealZiSha as well!

Most importantly, she is of honest character, works hard and caring of other team Artists amongst us, for example helping with Craftsman Zhang Huan, Craftsman Chen Fa Chu, Craftsman Wang Xing, etc, with their tools, workbench management, crafting insights and training.

In the discussion prior to joining us, we set forth ideals, markers and the mission.  Dedication to the cause, the cause of saving Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art, keeping honesty and hard work, care and kindness to patrons, performing for you international friends AT absolutely the most affordable prices through the RealZiSha platform, lower than if one were to get from China :-D.
Just like all other Teammates-Artists we had explained, we
all shook hands and immediately get to work: availing her BEST works for you.  Bar None.  The Best Works.

Absolutely stunning, arresting.  Thoroughly virtuoso, highly-skilled works.

We move to the incredible credentials and features of such works.
First, we understand that:
Segmental-Corollary pots are very difficult to craft. 
Master Li not just professes in Segmental-Corollary pot crafting: because if that isn't difficult enough, she adds fuel to fire: adding that Top Handle to her Segmental-Corollary Designs!!!  Absolutely ONEROUS, she brings to fruition and LIFE, all these mind-blowing, staggering: Top-Handle × Segmental-Corollary compositions! 
Her Designs are not just pushing the Senior Artists and Research Level Artists, they are Winning Awards!!!  Her skills and craftsmanship are VIRTUOSO, EXQUISITE.

"Qiu Ling Ti Liang 秋菱提梁", 第十五届手工制陶大赛中  二等奖得主🥈; 方圆杯紫砂创新作品大赛 银奖得主🥈!
At the National 15th Fully-Handmade Ceramic Art Grand Competition, this is the ZiSha Work that was very prestigiously, awarded amongst all ceramic art, The Runner Up Prize!  This was held on the 18th Sept 2020.
"Qiu Ling Ti Liang" ALSO WENT ON TO WIN the Silver Medal at the prestigious Fang Yuan Bei Zi Sha Design & Creation Grand Competition ~ 方圆杯紫砂创新作品大赛 in February 2011!  Amazing DOUBLE WINNER!
 Two Prestigious ZiSha and Ceramic Art Grand Competitions!

举杯邀月 "Ju Bei Yao Yue", 第八届全手工大赛中  三等奖得奖作品🥈!
At the 8th National Fully-Handmade ZiSha Competition, this is the ZiSha Work that was very prestigiously, awarded amongst all ZiSha Art, the Bronze Prize!  This was held on the 28th June 2023:

明月何曾照两乡 "Ming Yue He Ceng Zhao Liang Xiang", 第三届海峡两岸陶文化创意设计大赛铜奖🥈!
At the 3rd Cross Straits Ceramic Arts Novel Design Competition, this is the ZiSha Work that was very prestigiously, awarded amongst all ceramic art, The Bronze Prize!  This being held in November 2023:

Master Li Yan Ru has been diligent in her social work for the YiXing ZiSha fraternity with multiple accreditations as well:

Her in the thick of action at Competitions:











Video and Paper certification for this pot from Consummate Master Li Yan Ru 李艳如, and after receipt of your ZiSha prized work, she will link up with you via Video Streamyard call to certify and chat with the patron, you, regarding this Work.

Congratulations to the dear Patron of this Art piece!!!  Master Li looks very much forward to seeing you friends from all over the world engaged in this lovely tea journey of Tea And Fully-Handmade ZiSha Art.    MASTER LI THANKS YOU FOR YOUR KINDEST APPRECIATION AND ADOPTION OF HER PRIZED WORKS!  Congratulations to you dearest Friends!🎋
